chiropractor massaging back of man on Massage Table in hospital

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic or orthotics is a treatment that focuses on the relationship between the bones of the spine, cartilage, ligaments, and surrounding muscles with the nervous system and the impact of this relationship on general health and the flow and harmony of movement while restoring the full range of motion of the spine joints and almost all the different joints of the body .

And it works to correct the angles of the vertebrae of the spine to restore its full motor function and activate the nervous system to treat pain and various structural problems such as

Scoliosis / deformities of the spine (ascolysis / kyphosis).

Spinal pressure, back and neck pain

– And many other cases and symptoms because we use it as part of an integrated physiotherapy and rehabilitation program for each case separately 👌🏽

It is noteworthy that the internationally recognized manual medical schools that contain pattering / orthotics and that have a scientific curriculum are;

1- Physiotherapy, which is the largest branch in the diversity of its means of manual and non-manual treatment with diseases, problems, and various skeletal and kinetic symptoms

2- Chiropractic, and we mentioned their dealing with various structural problems, but their focus is on the hammer and on dealing with the bones, cartilage or the various joints of the body.

3- Osteopathy, which is a science that deals with the soft tissues of the body, as well as the muscular skeleton, and also they use manual techniques in the methods that are common with chiropractic and physical therapy (manual)

We wish you a safe treatment

Dr.. Tariq Abdel Hafez

Consultant of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation

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